WriteFreely Writer's Guide – Cheat Sheet

The #writefreely Writer's Guide latest – over here is quite good, but I wanted a quick cheat sheet for formatting. Also, I have found that WriteFreely can support a bit more of the Markdown Standard, but not all of it.

\<!--more--\> snip (get rid of the \'s) — truncates your post on the blog homepage with a “Read more..” link. (everything above it makes the front page, everything below doesn't)

# h1 Title ###### h6 title *italics* or _italics_ **bold** __bold__ mix and match is ok _mix and **match** is ok_

* bullet1 * bullet2 * sub-bullet2.1

1. list1 2. list2 1. if you reuse 1. it auto-numbers from last

IMAGE: ![image text maybe ALT text?](http://url/) LINK: [link text](http://link url) EMAIL: [email link](mailto:me@somewhere.org)

> this stuff is > quoted

this stuff is — leave a blank line before to work properly quoted

`this is code` this is code The backticks are greedy! (if you have `blah` more text`, all of your text will be glommed as code.


Properly formatted and enclosed tags: h1 (thru h4), p, ul, li, ol, blockquote, strong, em, u, span, div, a href

Use spans and divs to have custom css styles. <span style="color:red">Style</span> Style

<div id="myDiv" name="myDiv" title="Example Div Element" style="color: #0900C4; border: 1px solid black;">
  <h5>Subtitle in the box</h5>
  <p>This paragraph is also inside the box...</p>
Subtitle in the box

This paragraph is also inside the box...

These let you make a jump from somewhere in your page to elsewhere. These are just old school HTML anchors, but because we edit in Markdown here we have to add some HTML to insert the anchor/bookmark id in our destination:

Where you want to jump TO: wrap the destination text in a <span id="bookmarkname"> </span> tag. e.g (to this section):

## <span id="Bookmarks">Bookmarks</span>

Where you want to jump FROM: make an href but include the bookmark after a pound/hashtag sign:

<a href="#Bookmarks">click here to jump to the Bookmarks section</a>

click here to jump to the Bookmarks section <— click on this should scroll back up to the top of this section.

You can do this across sites or between your own WriteFreely pages:

<a href="writefreely-writers-guide-cheat-sheet#Bookmarks">click here to jump to the Bookmarks section</a>

click here to jump to the Bookmarks section

Extended Markdown Support in WriteFreely

WriteFreely supports some, but not all of the extended Markdown standard.

Horizontal Rule ok


Table ok

| Syntax | Description |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Header | Title |
| Paragraph | **bold Text**  |
Syntax Description
Header Title
Paragraph bold Text

edit 23/6/24: Markdown tables only seem to work up to about page width, or about seven columns.

You can use HTML <table><tr><td>.. notation but markdown inside won't render properly unless you use HTML markup:

<tr><td>**cell 1**</td><td><b>bold cell 2</b></td></tr>

cell 1bold cell 2

Fenced Code Block ok

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "age": 25
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "age": 25

Footnote not

Here's a sentence with a footnote. [^1]

[^1]: This is the footnote.

Here's a sentence with a footnote. [^1]

[^1]: This is the footnote.

Heading ID not

### My Great Heading {#custom-id}

My Great Heading {#custom-id}

Definition List not

term : definition term : definition

Strikethrough ok

~~The world is flat.~~ The world is flat.

Task List not

- [x] Write the press release
- [ ] Update the website
- [ ] Contact the media

Emojis not

That is so funny! :joy: That is so funny! :joy:

Highlight not

the following 3 ==words are very== important the following 3 ==words are very== important

Superscript not

x^2^ x^2^


2023-03-05 – initial 2023-06-24 – discovered markdown tables break around column 8 or so. added note.